Education, Legislation A. Currey Education, Legislation A. Currey

A Message From a Class Surveyor

Establishing a good relationship with classification societies and surveyors is crucial for the safe operation of vessels. Crew members should bear in mind that surveyors are not there to find faults or expose the crew's shortcomings. Instead, they are present to ensure compliance and safety. By implementing the recommendations highlighted in this article, ship managers and crew members can build a positive and productive rapport with their surveyors.

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B. Ferns B. Ferns

Class & Flag Survey: Do you know the difference?

In this article, we explore the differences between classification surveys and flag state surveys, including who conducts them, their purpose, scope, and frequency. We also discuss the concept of Delegated Authorities and the benefits they provide for flag states.

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MARPOL, Legislation B. Ferns MARPOL, Legislation B. Ferns


The MARPOL Convention is an important instrument for preventing marine pollution from ships. It includes six technical annexes covering areas such as oil pollution, harmful substances, sewage, and garbage. The annexes provide specific regulations and measures for controlling pollution in each area.

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Education, Safety B. Ferns Education, Safety B. Ferns

Enclosed Spaces

Enclosed spaces on ships are notorious for their potential dangers, and the 83 fatalities recorded by the International Group of P&I Clubs (IG P&I) between 2015 and 2022 serve as a stark reminder of the risks involved. However, with proper training, procedures, and equipment in place, these tragedies can be prevented.

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B. Ferns B. Ferns

Residual Risk

Residual risk is the level of risk that remains after implementing measures to reduce or mitigate the initial risk.
Awareness of Residual Risk can help mitigate against incidents in the future.

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